Embark Phase
Previous: Prepare Phase
Step 1: Scouting
Scouting allows the party to assess their destination and better control their encounters there.
- Scouting Roll: Roll 2d6 against the hex’s Scout Difficulty.
- Some characters, such as Scouts, may modify this roll with their skills.
- Scouting Bonus: Roll - Scout Difficulty.
- If the the scouting is successful, and the party may use this bonus when rolling for encounters. While a bonus of zero does not allow for additional choices, it still avoids encounters that can be bypassed by being choosen.
Step 2: Arrive
Move the party marker to the destination hex.
Step 3: Begin Construction
The party may begin construction on a Civic Project.
Special Rule - Lay Low
The party can wait when they are not yet ready to start construction on a Civic Project. While laying low if the party made their Scouting Roll they can skip the rest of their turn. During their next Prepare Phase can not choose a tile to move to.
Next: Encounter Phase
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