“In my extraordinary journey through the labyrinthine world of finance, I, Gilbert Hou, have emerged not merely as an investment banker, but as a visionary in a realm where numbers intertwine with the marvels of technology. “DIAMOND HANDS: The Gilbert Hou Story” is a narrative that transcends the mundane, delving into my unparalleled expertise in an era of organ markets and vat-grown futures.” - Gilbert Hou, Professional Bastard
Trade Goods Market
The first time this market is used, roll a 1d6 to determine the current market table. When a player trades at the market, re-roll at the end of the Prepare Phase to determine any market changes.
Table 1
Trade Goods Offered |
Trade Goods Requested |
2 Timber |
3 Grain |
4 Iron Ore |
1 Silk |
2 Salt |
1 Gem |
3 Cloth |
2 Spices |
1 Reagents |
2 Ale |
5 Grain |
1 Plastic |
1 Circuitry |
3 Salt |
2 Ale |
2 Cloth |
1 Spices |
4 Glass |
2 Gem |
1 Reagents |
Table 2
Trade Goods Offered |
Trade Goods Requested |
3 Salt |
1 Gem |
1 Glass |
3 Iron Ore |
2 Timber |
4 Grain |
4 Cloth |
1 Spices + 1 Reagents |
3 Grain |
2 Plastic |
1 Iron Ore |
5 Ale |
2 Silk |
1 Glass |
1 Ale |
3 Cloth |
3 Spices |
2 Timber |
1 Reagents |
4 Circuitry |
Table 3
Trade Goods Offered |
Trade Goods Requested |
4 Grain |
2 Silk |
2 Cloth |
1 Glass + 1 Salt |
3 Iron Ore |
2 Reagents |
1 Timber |
1 Gem |
2 Spices |
3 Plastic |
1 Silk |
5 Grain |
3 Ale |
1 Iron Ore + 1 Circuitry |
2 Salt |
3 Spices |
1 Glass |
4 Salt + 1 Ale |
1 Reagents |
2 Iron Ore |
Table 4
Trade Goods Offered |
Trade Goods Requested |
5 Ale |
2 Timber + 1 Circuitry |
2 Salt |
3 Grain |
1 Gem |
4 Spices |
3 Iron Ore |
1 Silk |
4 Grain |
1 Glass |
1 Timber |
3 Plastic |
2 Silk |
3 Cloth |
1 Spices |
5 Circuitry |
3 Reagents |
2 Iron Ore |
1 Glass |
1 Gem |
Table 5
Trade Goods Offered |
Trade Goods Requested |
3 Cloth |
1 Silk + 2 Grain |
4 Iron Ore |
2 Glass |
1 Timber |
3 Salt |
2 Salt |
4 Ale |
1 Gem |
4 Spices |
1 Silk |
3 Iron Ore |
2 Ale |
1 Plastic + 2 Cloth |
1 Spices |
5 Grain + 1 Reagents |
3 Reagents |
2 Salt + 1 Circuitry |
2 Glass |
4 Spices |
Table 6
Trade Goods Offered |
Trade Goods Requested |
2 Iron Ore |
1 Cloth + 1 Ale |
1 Gem |
2 Salt |
1 Silk |
4 Iron Ore |
4 Salt |
1 Glass + 3 Spices |
1 Cloth |
5 Grain |
2 Ale |
3 Timber |
1 Spices |
2 Silk + 1 Reagents |
3 Reagents |
1 Iron Ore + 2 Timber |
1 Glass |
4 Cloth |
5 Grain |
1 Gem + 1 Plastic |
Table of Contents