
As you wade through the dense, murky swamps, your boots finally catch on something solid. Regaining your footing, you gaze forward to discover the remnants of a village, partially engulfed by the swamp. The wooden structures, spared from complete decay by moisture and rot, suggest they have only recently succumbed.

1801 - Swamp - The Sunken Village

Forage: 7
Scout: 8

Roll Encounter Type Description
1 Trap Sunken Spirits Snare: An innocuous stretch of mud disguises a spectral trap, as the vengeful spirits of the village ensnare intruders. Expend 1 SP for a cautious passage, or suffer 2 damage from the spirits’ chilling grasp.
2 Hazard Miasmic Mist: The ruins emit a poisonous mist, a remnant of alchemical experiments gone awry. Unless chosen by scouting modifier, the party inhales the mist, losing 1 SP.
3 Resources Lost Villager’s Cache: If chosen by scouting modifier uncover a hidden stash, likely left by a villager before the tragedy, containing 4 medicinal herbs and 1d6 gems
4 Combat Marshland Predators: Lurking in the waterlogged ruins, Marshland Predators, descendants of the villagers’ guardian beasts, emerge to confront the party. Impact: 12 HP: 12 Loot: +2, 50 Gold
5 Combat Spectral Defenders Encounter: Ghostly apparitions of the village’s former defenders rise to challenge intruders. Impact: 11 HP: 14 Loot: +2, 50 Gold
6 Discovery Echoes of the Past: The party stumbles upon a well-preserved section of the village, finding inscriptions that hint at the location of a powerful artifact. Gain +2 on your next scouting roll.

Special Encounter - Down in the Muck